Liberates our Dignity, Empowers All in their Humanity
Tell your story
By sharing our shame, we reduce it. By sharing our shame, we normalize it. By sharing our shame, we set all of us free.
Please use the below form to submit your stories (anonymously if you wish) of how you have experienced shame, be it shame by association (e.g. growing up in a family with low income), shame about what has happened to you (e.g. abuse), or shame about what you yourself have done that you may regret.
Feel free to use one of the below prompts:
I feel shame about…
What makes it possible for me to face this shame is…
What has helped me heal this shame is…
After sharing this shame, I feel…
What I want other men to know is…
Please read our FAQ to learn more about the kinds of submissions we're looking to share with our community.
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
- Jesus (John 8:32)